90s to early 2000s gaming, they added some sort of magic to those consoles. It wasnt the novelty.

3 months ago 151

A not so serious but interesting one for my fellow gamers of this subreddit. Let me hear your conversations please, or share what your friends think of this era of gaming too.

Do you also suffer an affliction of deep nostalgia or longing for the games and consoles you played in the 90s to the early 2000s? Do you find yourself flipping through your library of modern day games just to go back to the OG? Maybe you even picked up a piece of the retro stuff yourself because it just doesnt feel the same with remasters and remakes on modern consoles or emulators on pc? You are not alone. Unfortunately, we are not entitled to compensation.

Now at first glance, its easy to say the main reasons it felt special, but that's not exactly what i mean. It was the first time in human recorded history that we got to explore fleshed out 3D worlds in a whole new media form. It was the first time we experienced new levels of role playing and imagination. Mysteries and new ideas we'd never thought we'd see. Online play for the first time, it was insane to think you were connected to a real person somewhere else on the same level in the same game. But none of that seems enough for the draw i see and feel.

Nintendo 64 is one of the first that hit me. Maybe for others it was SNES or Dreamcast for an odd few... but you know exactly what era i mean. It fully ended with the early wii/ps3/xbox360 era. The ending of the main holy grail was ps2/xbox/gamecube. You could play those libraries for a lifetime and never need another system, with the bsckwards compatibilityit was x3. Handhelds were also on fire, with the gameboy and later ds, and psp, with other close competitors on the side coming and going. Even the music was better on these games...

Myself and several other people that are my age (25) also ranging up to age 40, all of us that were gaming in this time period agree that those were the golden days. We all played different games and have different nostalgic memories but we all come back to one agreement, there was and is nothing like playing those games back on the native hardware they were made to run on.

CRT is an added plus but there's just something in the energy of that old plastic. Something in the shapes and the feel, the graphics themselves with visibly countable polygons. It was more immersive and fun despite not being realistic or even close to modern games. How is this even possible? I can get sucked into tony hawk pro skater for several hours but call of duty feels stale after an hour or so? Its like the magic is in the console itself. Its in the cartridges and the old discs. Its in the wired controllers and old school av plugs.

I can tell you that holding a dualshock for the ps5 feels only 2% as fun as even looking at controllers back in the day. Looking at consoles themselves, who the heck didn't like the look of a ps2 or original xbox? They were so clean and distinctive and geometric in the right ways, the magic shaped like a genie in a bottle baby.

submitted by /u/Ironicbanana14
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