30 Minute Presentation of the contents of the whistleblower leaked Robert Koch Institute (basically the German FDA) files show that all COVID "pandemic" decisions were political rather than data driven.

4 months ago 50


A whistleblower obtained 10GB from Robert-Koch-Institute, the German CDC. This so-called RKI-Leak reveals that Covid was a scam from start to finish. The presentation took place in the second largest room of the German Bundestag, which is actually intended for committees of inquiry. Recorded 2 November 2024 in Berlin, English subtitles provided by the speaker.

Internet sources:

The RKI-Leak The Federal Ministry of Health has confirmed the authenticity of the leak. You can download the entire material anonoymously and free of charge from https://rki-transparenzbericht.de/ Here is a convenient search tool: https://www.rkileak.com/

submitted by /u/oatballlove
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