JAN-APR//: the beginning of the year was rough, i was working 60-70 hours a week and we were still living paycheck to paycheck. Our car ended up getting damaged and I couldn’t cover the cost and then it got towed and to get it out was too much. I ended up putting $1000 down on a chevy equinox. It wasn’t the best but the next day we had a good car. My wife hasn’t really worked a job in 5 years so i was under a-lot of financial stress. I lost my job near mid April due to my company loosing its contract. My birthday is March 5th and i got to spend it alone.
MAY-AUG//: we got evicted in may and moved back in with her parents in California. I got a job when we got there but got fired after 3 days. Im not sure what happened but i thought everything was going good. I think it’s because i didn’t have the required degree. My equinox got repossessed on my first day at work and they took it all the way back to dallas tx. My wife started cheating on me in june with someone she worked with 2 years ago but i didn’t find out until a week before Christmas. After loosing my job, i was on Craigslist/nextdoor everyday looking for side work to pay our bills. August I received my 100% va rating and ended up getting myself a truck and a new car for my wife. I also started going to therapy because my wife told me i need to change.
SEP-DEC//: i left back for texas at the end of September for a good paying job that i ended up not getting. My wife and two kids stayed in California because they had more help there and my main focus was getting somewhere for us to live and making sure everything would be okay when they come back. I got an apartment and was doing good until i got robbed trying to sell something to send back to my wife for diapers and groceries. Couple weeks later i got hired on at a good company but then my truck got stolen. I was then forced to stay home because i didnt have no friends or family and I couldn’t rent a uhaul truck because i had an out of state license. I ended up loosing the job and then i kinda just stayed in bed for a couple weeks. I felt so defeated. My wife then calls me and starts telling me how ill never change. Whole time im in an empty apartment with no groceries no nothing. Then she sends me a picture of some divorce papers out of nowhere and i got so overwhelmed my appendix burst. At least i think thats what happened. After all that i ended up coming back to California nov 22 and i told my wife i wanted to work things out and to give me a chance to show her im serious about changing. She agreeded but the whole time she was talking to someone else. She ended up putting her hands on me and got arrested and then moved out and left me at her parents house with the kids. We are good and we don’t need her anyway, it sucks what happened happened but today is a new day and a new year and everything will be okay.
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