20 years old and visiting escorts/ hookers

1 month ago 76

I am fairly handsome 20 years old dude who’s in shape and does what a normal 20 year old does however i have a nasty habit with sleeping with hookers/escorts i don’t want to continue this dark path anymore i am young, healthy and no record and i am scared of something bad happening and messing up my future, I’m wasting my money/time and if my family was to know about this forget about it. i feel extremely lonely sometimes and long for love i feel like i am in a hole in my soul not too deep but if i continue this way of living i will dig myself deeper and deeper. I tell myself i don’t want this anymore but when life gets a little stressful or boring i find myself scrolling on escort sites and driving to streets where the hooker are and i say to my myself just one time and boom i failed myself i slept with a hooker. I feel shame, disgusted, judged, scared, disappointed and everything negative i don’t want to live this type of life, any advice?

submitted by /u/mabyeAnonymous
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