M34, I think I'm pretty set on not wanting to be in a committed long term relationship again. Anyone else feels the same?

1 day ago 4

I''ve realized that not only do I not want a marriage and kids, I also very likely do not want to be in a long term relationship ever again. Been there, done that, I see the benefits of it but I truly feel like I'm content with the relationships that I build with women in my life (friendships, casual relationships) and do not need more. I attract female attention easily and building sexual tension and hooking up is a pleasure that I do not plan on giving up on.

An awful lot of relationships seem to follow the same pattern, it goes well for a while and then come the cheating and the lying, the falling out of love after the kids are born, and finally the good old divorce. Not all relationships are like that of course, but the majority are, and I absolutely don't want to go through that.

Anyone else feels like they are satisfied with their life without feeling the need for a serious relationship?

submitted by /u/Rock-bottom-no-no
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