19 things I learnt at 19

3 months ago 36
  1. Live for yourself and nobody else. This is your life and nobody else's.
  2. It's okay to stop and just appreciate the beauty in the mundane, the way the sunlight filters through the leaves, and how the longer you stare at the night sky, the more stars you can find.
  3. Go out and get drenched in the rain, let it wash away all the hurt you're holding on to, look up and feel it on your face. Just live.
  4. Pet every single dog you see, the ones who matter will wait for you.
  5. Dance like nobody’s watching, let the music take over you. Sing that song out loud, sing off-key, sing with all your heart.
  6. It’s okay to say no, it is okay to set boundaries, stand up for yourself and speak up for what you believe in. Let your voice be heard.
  7. Talk to the moon, tell her about your fears, your hopes, your dreams, she's always watching over you, looking out for you and keeping you safe.
  8. You are exactly where you are meant to be, whether it feels like it or not. One day it will all make sense. Trust the universe. You are divinely protected.
  9. Love fearlessly. Unconditionally. Love like you have all the love in the world to give out. Everyone needs a little love. Don't be scared to feel, for you are so full of love that it spills over, boundless.
  10. Take all the pictures you can, journal, write letters to people you love and people you hate and never send them. Preserve that flower, keep that seemingly meaningless note your friend gave you. These are your little treasures.
  11. Pain is not the answer. Cutting open your skin will not free the demons inside you. Open your heart instead, open your mind, open your arms, welcome healing into your life.
  12. It's okay to sit with the sadness for a little bit, to feel it. Do not escape it. Everything is fleeting in life—the good, the bad, and even the sad. This too shall pass.
  13. Tell the people you care about that you care. Let them know how much they matter to you, how much you love them.
  14. Love every single version of you that has ever lived, even the ones you burnt, even the ones you buried, even the ones you loathe. You are always her. She is you.
  15. Change is the only true constant. Your life will always be endless cycles of death and rebirth, of transformation. Embrace it, become the best version of yourself one day at a time.
  16. Fix your relationship with your parents, start a conversation, tell them you love them. They are why you're here, and you are exactly where you're meant to be. Try not to hate them.
  17. Not everyone's going to like you, and that is okay, as long as you like you. Don't allow anyone else to define who you are, for nobody knows anybody completely except for themselves.
  18. Eat that cookie. Eat a tub of ice cream if you think that's going to cool down the burning house that is your mind. Drink wine and send texts that you will regret the next morning. Indulge in all that this world has to offer.
  19. There is no problem that music, a cute outfit, a walk, and a sangria can't fix. And if there is, that's what vodka shots with the girlies and hugs and forehead kisses are for.
submitted by /u/prettiestpois0n
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