You feel emptiness - it's not your fault

1 month ago 25

The best part is that we humans feel guilty because our life has no meaning, is going nowhere, is going to waste or we don't see the point of existence in a scenario where we are just an NPC where we can't get out of a system that is our existential prison. but it's really a biological thing. I, for example, feel empty inside because I don't have any knowledge compared to geniuses who combine various ideas learnt during their lifetime with each other in an effective manner.. It's just that my brain doesn't do a deep synthesis of information which is accumulated ‘passively’ throughout my life by the Default Mode Network, DMN, which is more active in more intelligent people. So, what I feel guilty about is actually the lack of processing of information in the right way. Our information is like a cocoon that we accumulate throughout our lives while learning something, and the better this network is, the better and more efficient the quality of the connections, the emptiness is less felt. The inability to recall information from the network, to refer to it in an orderly manner is what causes the psychological pain caused by the loss of identity and the feeling of emptiness. when information enters through one ear and leaves through the other, it is no wonder that the person feels empty because of this. and when information is lost through time, when the old is replaced by the new, there is no knowledge, as in my case. I have realised that I do not have much influence on the feeling of emptiness in my life, it is another aspect of this brutal existence where one realises that one cannot survive without effectively gathering important information.

submitted by /u/tonyy94
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