Would you sacrifice family life for better financial future/career?

2 months ago 28

I’m a 34 year old active duty military dentist who has about 10 more years before I can receive retirement pension. At this point I’m not sure if I’d like to stay in the military past retirement eligibility age of 44. I am also able to work in private practice after retirement.

Recently I have been throwing around the idea to my wife that I’d like to go back to school(military residency) for 2 years. She’s supportive but knowing my personality she prefers to stay behind with our 2 young kids(age 3 and 1) overseas since that is where all her families are located. I am perfectly ok with this because I can focus on my studies completely. Her family is also supportive. I will also collect full salary while in school so money isn’t really an issue. I do feel a bit sad sometime that I won’t be able to see my wife and children often while in school but they will be visiting me during the holidays.

I won’t be able to enjoy the higher bonus until 2030 and it would require me to sign up for 6 more years until 2036(2 years past my retirement age). The pay will be around 30k more per year.

Obviously, I can’t see what the future holds but if I decide to stay in past retirement eligible age of 44 then doing residency is beneficial long term for my military career.

Another thing to consider is that after residency my choice of duty station will be more limited and there’s a much huger chance to be separated from my family for months at a time. Since I will be a newly minted specialist I’m lower on the priority list.

Currently we’re not struggling with money and are happy with the way things are. I have more flexibility with duty stations and can most likely minimize the time away from my family. However, I do feel a bit behind and somewhat jealous compared to my peers who have gone back to school, etc.

Is it a good idea for me to go back to school? Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/Satoshinakamoto99
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