Would knowing life’s greatest mysteries be beneficial or detrimental?

1 month ago 39

I’m referring to knowing (not referring to faith or beliefs) if there really was a heaven or a hell. If God exists. Or perhaps reincarnation is real and we come back over and over again. Maybe we’re living in a simulation or this is a prison planet we’re trapped on. Are there really aliens/NHI? (Greys, Nordics, mantis beings, etc)

My question is would knowing the answer to some or all of this benefit us? Are we not meant to know? Will we ever find out the truth?

These are some of things I’ve been wondering and pondering for years but like everyone else who is a seeker for the truth, doesn’t truly know.

I’m pretty open in that I feel any of these possibilities are possible. I also feel if I knew it would make a difference for the better in that I’ll have some closure and understanding.

What do you guys and gals think?

submitted by /u/jeremy1187
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