Will I meet someone again?

3 hours ago 2

I split up with my ex girlfriend about 8 months ago. I do feel like I’m over it, and I miss the thought of not having someone rather than her, I know it wasn’t right for us to be together we was too different and I didn’t fully love her. I got told she has a new boyfriend and I really am genuinely happy for her she’s suited well too him from what I hear. Thing is I’ll be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit jealous. I really want someone now , you know. I know I can be a great boyfriend when I’m with someone. I do practice self love and I am proud of myself in many ways. Sometimes I just feel like I won’t meet someone again and it scares me Yano. I’m really sociable and have a massive friend network but sometimes I feel so lonely. I turned 25 a few days ago and I just really want to start something committed so I can make a few concrete moves in my future.

submitted by /u/Eden119
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