I'm writing this hoping that someone around this world would understand or probably feeling same as me. Will I be fine? I dont know. I'm going to therapy for my declining mental health for past three months, yeah it feels better but I feel like the more i try to heal, the more life is testing me. I've been hit rock bottom mentally , now I'm so used to it. Will i ever be fine? I ask this to myself almost every minute of my life. I want to take rest but the world I'm in is keep pushing me and forcing me to run in order to live. I'm so disguted and destroyed by how humans designed their way of living. I hate how tired I am of living. I should be running through the flower fields happily, watching sunsets, eating fresh vegetables and fruits, doing art, music, writing poems, sleeping more, having happy and healthy conversations with people who are actually happy, but here I am, becoming the most tragic victim of the modern society. When I started to take care of myself and take time for myself , I saw my career slowly falling down. I'm surpirsed and shocked by how teh capitalist society is deeply interconnected with every individual's very own life and mind itself. Competitveness and capitalism has become death of me. I wake up early every morning, roam like a dead among the other people who are also just dead like me. I hate how has to perform for everything. I hate how have to perform to be loved, even by my very own parents. I hate it how I'm being valued and appreciated by degrees and how successful I'm in life but not by how good of a person I am or by how interesting my personality is . It aches that I'm valued by how many softwares I know but not for my love and passion for art and music. It aches when i sit in the table with a group of people and all they talk about is job and salary but not about the sunsets and poems. It aches that the fact that even I couldn't stop all of this but just keep going on with this lifeless life.
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