Why you shouldn’t lie

12 hours ago 4

Just my theory so don’t bite my head off :)

Lying erodes your ability to speak things into existence. I try to speak the truth at all times. Even if it’s difficult or brutal.

This doesn’t happen all the time but sometimes I will say something like “we should get a cat, maybe a black one” bang a black kitten is screaming in my garden hungry so I fed him and have him to this day

For few weeks I’m saying I want to sell my car and a buyer just pops up out of no where and buys my car without it even being online advertised just through work someone made me an offer

I have a friend who is a compulsive liar about everything even small things. I’ve asked him a few times why he doesn’t try to just be honest because it’s funny even when he plans something or even tries to organise a small thing it just never works out for him

Every time he says something like oh I’m expecting someone at this time they don’t end up showing up and his plans usually don’t usually work out. Even if he’s not lying just saying what will happen, it most of the times does not happen

Brings a whole new meaning to the saying that you have to say in court. I swear to speak the truth and nothing but the truth, SO HELP ME GOD…. I wonder why they added that last part

Just something I’ve been pondering

Thank you for reading

submitted by /u/nomanskyprague1993
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