Why is Somerset Maugham… rarely mentioned nowadays?

2 months ago 27

Great author in my opinion. He’s that writer that got me into reading. I first read Of Human Bondage quite at a young age of 14, and it has had a great impact on how I see life. Then I proceeded to read his other books and pretty much liked all of them, especially The Moon and Sixpence. His short stories about Englishmen in remote cities also resonate deeply with a sense of alienation I felt during my teenage years as well.

I remember asking my English teacher who apparently majored in Literature in her undergrad what she thought of Maugham, to which she said she didn’t know who that was.

Are there some reasons why he is not as celebrated today? Other sources I have looked into online touch on him being too popular and his writing style being outdated(?)

Do you guys have any thoughts about this? Appreciate your input

submitted by /u/Fun_Grass_2097
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