Why does making genuine connections feel so hard these days?

2 months ago 31

I have noticed a frustrating trend in how people interact—it seems like real friendship is becoming rarer. Sure, people wave, smile, or make small talk, but it feels so surface-level. It’s like no one actually wants to build a deeper connection.

For example, at my workplace, there’s a guy who’s friendlier than most. Sometimes, I’ll ask him to grab coffee or hang out, and he’ll agree. But I’ve noticed if I don’t initiate, he never does. It feels very one-sided, and this is coming from one of the “friendlier” people.

I get that colleagues aren’t automatically friends, but this feels like a whole new level of unfriendliness or indifference. It’s like everyone’s content to exist in their own bubbles without making any real effort.

Am I the only one who feels this way? Is this just a workplace dynamic, or are people in general becoming less open to forming friendships? How do you navigate this kind of environment?

submitted by /u/Material-Lion-8868
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