Why does it feel like the world is controlled by a rich system?

10 hours ago 4

Why is that we have to work for a living. Why can't things just be free. It's not like when you leave this earth, you will go with your money or loved ones.. what is the whole point of getting a job. Like this human system is so confusing. And I wish I was smart like those rich people who know how to maneuver the system of society or this "Life".

Like your designed to go school, then college and eventually job because that's the rule of life I guess. And you work work and work until retirement but in between that you supposed to fulfill a role in society like work to earn money than pay for the services like the rent or mortgage, the bills, basic living necessities and entertainment like maybe vacation or something. And there are rich people who just can do whatever they want. Like how they got in those positions and able to have so much power that they could control you.

submitted by /u/Lemonade2250
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