Now, don't get me wrong, chances are that not all young women are heartless, but a large percentage of the ones I have come across have been. It's so shocking to me because I grew up being shown how romantic and positive women can be, but then when I finished high school my rose-tinted glasses fell off, so to speak. I can't even count 5 times where girls have been romantic towards me, despite me having been fairly attractive in high school and college (according to family and friends). Most times girls have shown interest in me, it was mostly physical / sexual, and almost never intellectual or romantic. Now you might say, "Well boy, maybe you're going to the wrong places", to which I reply, "Most encounters with girls I've had took place either at school, at a friend's house, or at a cafe." I've also met girls at events that were of interest to me, like Japanese or Spanish, and had no luck there either. I've gotten to the point where I expect more intimacy and emotional support from a walk-in doctor, than I do from a girl / woman, it's mind-boggling. We always hear about "being humane" and "being equal", but where's the humanity in playing with mens' feelings just because "it's cool"? And to also not make this post sound too self-centered, I myself know that I'm far from perfect, and actually see the monster I could potentially become, were I to give in to my dark impulses. But I don't hurt other people on purpose. But I don't treat others like statistics. But I don't constantly keep a lookout for "options". And really, I'm not even looking for a girlfriend at the moment, I just want to have a female friend whom we can both support, and have fun talking about whatever. Manga, Nintendo Games, space, life, whatever...
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