Why am I changing so suddenly?

4 hours ago 1

So for my whole life I've loved sports. Playing and watching. I loved philosophy and the study of religion. Me and the friends I hung out were pretty much the same and that would be all we talked about. I used to be so sure I wanted to own my business and that's what I was working towards while going to school for a bachelor's in philosophy. I was also actively looking for a young lady to settle down with. Now, though not much time passed things are very different. I simply don't notice women. Yes I find them attractive but they just aren't in my mind or aspirations, they simply exist. I don't want to pursue marriage anymore. I no longer watch any sport besides the occasional football game. The friend group i hang out with or used to hangout with is rather boring now. Certain shows i was watching instantly became dull. The main thing i do now and is passionate about is community work. Almost an unhealthy obsessive need to do certain projects. From work in activism to volunteer work. Community engagement has always been something I did. Volunteering once a month was the norm until recently. I have the urge to quit my job so I can focus on certain projects. All the things I once wanted aren't an interest anymore. From movies to philosophy books to sports. It all sucks and is extremely boring.

submitted by /u/mamad122
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