Who had the worst honeymoon trip ever (because of mishaps/accidents, not breakup/divorce during trip)?

1 month ago 15

I also posted this on AskReddit, but then I realized that sub is kinda meant for different kinds of questions :)

So I got married barely a week ago and we've planned a lovely 10 day honeymoon trip straight after the wedding. Well, turns out my (32F) lovely husband (38M)'s knee is not quite cooperative... After barely 3 days in Prague, we have to go back to our home country and call the whole thing off because he needs to see a knee doctor.

Obviously I am really disappointed... so I thought to myself: who else had a sh*tty honeymoon trip because of some mishap/accident? Let's see who had the worst honeymoon trip :)

To be clear: I am not asking about honeymoon trips where the marriage falls apart or one person realizes it was all a big mistake or anything of the sort, I think that's a whole different category of sh*tty. :)

submitted by /u/NubiNemo
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