Whats your thoughts on self deletion?

2 months ago 29

Have you considered it, have someone you know attempted, do you understand why someone would do it

I am struggling to continue in life. I often feel i am just not cut from the right cloth. I can't just work 40hrs a week at a dead end job and be happy barely scraping by. On the flipside I think I am smart but not IQ wise. I pick up on CERTAIN things quickly or can analyze situations. If you give me a new subject i won't remember anything when you ask me a question... The bigger picture i might understand but idk how to explain it.

Anyway after trying and failing for so long, being a slow learning, it has gotten to me. Life is just hard and if you don't have the tools, you are SOF. As smart as i think i am. shit doesn't work out for me. Maybe its life telling me to lose the ego, but idk. Just feel like i am not meant for this game.

submitted by /u/Wise_Pomegranate_653
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