What would your solutions be?

2 months ago 25

I've heard this a few times, mostly in jobs, but I think it was one of the smarter things I've heard "don't bring up a problem unless you have a solution". Well we have lots of problems in this world but very few solutions. What would yours be? I'll go first.. and obviously this doesn't encompass all problems, just the first few that flew into my head.

1st would be a cut off for what buisiness could earn in relation to their lowest paid employees. Something like the top 5% of any company could only make idk 200% more than their lowest paid employee or something. This should remove the need for a min wage and cover cost of living increases. It's not a fully formed idea but a good foundation i think.

2nd would be that no financial entity should be allowed any interference or inclusion with politics. Yes there's already laws in place but every time they ever created one of those laws they went out of their way to leave loopholes, I'm saying close all loopholes and lock that door forever. Govt is govt and buisiness is buisiness and the two should be separated. A buisiness or businesses running a country would not be a good thing as can be observed all around us.

3rd would be laws that remove all financial repercussions and instead have harsher punishments and those punishments would be equal for all regardless of social or financial status.

4th would be granting status of something akin to civil servant status to large corporations employing a specific large number of persons as at that point they're literally providing jobs to the public. Landlords too as they are providing housing. No more using things that people need like housing and jobs just to make yourself rich.. which will still happen but much more strict rules regarding how badly you get to rip people off when it comes to jobs and housing. Mostly this one is to highlight that no one is an island, rather you're providing jobs and housing or taking your morning BM we all effect each other and have a responsibility to this society and to others and that our actions matter as a whole far more than individually.

That's just the few in my head rn. I got a solution to just about everything. I'm sure others do too and for all the bitching we do, I sure don't hear many solutions. In fact mostly I hear "let's sweep it under the rug and ignore it" because that's ever been a problem solving skill that worked...

I truly do believe there is a solution for every problem and most often it's not the solution that's the hardest part, it's other people.

submitted by /u/OwnMinimum5736
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