What should my next step be?

1 month ago 73

So, I‘ve moved to a new town (~250km away from my hometown) about 18 months ago, for school and experiencing a new environment. Which worked out quite well for me. But with school coming to end here im the summer I frankly don‘t know where I should locate myself afterwards.

On the hand I have the option to stay where I am right now. Which is quite alright I guess with having a few friends and living a generally way bigger and more attractive town for people in their early twenties like me. Even though I dislike the mentality and landscape here.

On the other hand there is the option to move back to my hometown or the next bigger town near it. What makes it attractive for me that most of my childhood friends still live there, who feel like family to me. The problem here is that we all were quite heavy drug users (some still are sadly) growing up, which isn‘t uncommon in my homeregion. I‘m scared that this environment will or is already hurting my personal development. In addition to that I moved away from there, because I felt caved in and wanted (still want) to see and explore the world.

The third I see is rolling the dice by moving to a completely new town and starting to attend university there after I‘m finished with what I‘m doing now.

I hope some of you with more life experience can give me some advice or opinions :)

submitted by /u/germanstoner999
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