What is the point of life

2 months ago 30

I have no purpose. I'm just wasting away life at this point. It's been almost a year since I did something productive or even something. I mostly can't feel anything anymore except maybe sadness. That's rare. And I sometimes have this urge to physically hurt myself. That's rare too. I don't remember last time I was happy or excited. I have no job(I was looking for one for past 8 months). I hate my degree. I'm not good at anything. If anything I'm mediocre at best. I have no appetite, my sleep schedule is ruined, I have no hobbies or interests. Anytime I try something new, I instantly back off because I'm not good at it. I used to be intelligent, easy learner, not anymore apparently. I think Covid ruined my life. I wonder what is the point of living anymore.

submitted by /u/Born_Difference_1592
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