What If You Didn't Run ?

2 months ago 34

what if you didn't run, just this once? what if you took a deep breath and asked yourself what it means to trust? what if trust means staying? you are worthy of giving yourself a chance at love. maybe there's not something wrong with everyone you've ever tried to love maybe finding their flaws is your way of protecting yourself. i know you've spent your whole life thinking that it's easier to be alone. that growing up, it was easier to be alone. it's not your fault you were taught that vulnerability equals pain. this is your permission to honour your desire for connection. to give yourself grace for your hyperindependence. to start looking at everything you love about love instead of everything that scares you. Don't stress about how far and impossible it is. Instead stay calm and think of how possible it is for Allāh. Because if Allah wants it for you, He will bring it to you in ways you could not imagine. And such a Beautiful Giver Allāh is. We have no idea how He manages our affairs for us, how beautifully He listens to our duas and how amazingly He Answers and prepares miracles for those who keep on trusting Him no matter how impossible it may seem. So hold onto patience and tawakkul. Allah knows the fears in your heart..these are just waswa created by satan to keep you delusional in way which you can't imagine,when ever feelings like such arise tend to bend towards your Rab and get closer to people who really love you,those same people with whom devil wants you to be away from by pinning the avoidant thoughts in your heart and mind ,makes you feel you are not wanted,you can rely on yourself.....which is never the case. devil always prefers seclusion and wants his followers to be in seclusion....to cut you from your loved ones....to make you feel you are unwanted. Allah knows the constant worry you have..Allah knows what's bothering you these days.. No you're not fighting it alone. You are not alone in this silent battle...Indeed He hears & sees..and "Indeed the help of Allah is near" [2:214]

submitted by /u/Awkward-Shame-25
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