What healthy advice do you have to get past resentment and bitterness from being rejected when you were younger, now that you get attention and interest?

2 months ago 30

I'm 22 years old. I feel so upset and resentful to be a "late bloomer".

I always was rejected and ghosted by girls. However, now things are different. I'm starting to get attention from girls and was even asked out by one in real life. I also have gotten matches and interest from Attractive girls on dating apps. Girls who my younger self could only dream of being with.

But I really wish I could've had sex and dated when I was 19, 18, or even younger. I see teenagers at malls and parks and movie theaters, kissing and holding hands and it makes me so jealous and angry.

I feel so pathetic, and less than to have to settle for a late bloomer. My cousin just got his first girlfriend at 19.

I haven't had sex yet, but I don't think I can bring myself to do it because of how upset I am towards all the years of rejection, ghosting, and humiliation. I feel like I'm settling for "left overs" in a way.

I would really like to have my mindset and views and feelings changed somehow. Why do I have to start experiencing intimacy and interest from girls in my 20s? Why couldn't I have gotten the typical teenage experiences? All rhose times that my parents and other people warned me to use protection and stuff as a teen makes me so bitter because it really didn't matter since girls weren't interested in me.

submitted by /u/ATATwalker92737
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