What happens after Highschool?

1 month ago 37

Hello there!

I’m a German and 20 years old, finished Highschool last summer.

Right now, I’m on a gap year, doing work and travel in Canada, Vancouver. I work here as a Lift operator, surrounded by other young people, that’s fun!

My original plan is, to go back to Germany in march, enjoy time with family & friends again until September/October, and start studying at university then. I don’t have an exact thing that I’d wanna study, only ideas. Such as economics psychology or sustainable economics, but I never really had or have an exact idea of what I wanna do. I will go back in march, I just don’t know what’s gonna happen then.

Before I start studying tho, and try to finish a degree in which I was only light-heartly interested in, and put some years of my life into that, just to jump into a job after that, and work myself off for some corporate thing-what would speak for not doing that, and continue traveling.

I’d really wanna learn surfing, go and see Australia, or other spots where I could learn that, and go see country’s in Asia and Africa!

I’m afraid, that I would become someone, who forgets his roots, starts his life completely elsewhere, and just wanders around. But who knows, maybe those people also got it figured out!

I’m also afraid that I’d never want to study again, or settle down, or come back to Germany, because, that’s not what I want. I just don’t feel ready yet for that studying at uni stuff, as I’m afraid, by the time I’ll be 30, years are gonna pass, and I have yet to see more of the world and experience other cultures, etc. - I think you get what I mean.

Maybe there’s people who are in the same situation, have already gone through a process like this, every comment is appreciated!

Also open to answer questions for further understanding :)

submitted by /u/Sea_Topic8593
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