What do you love about Crime and Punishment?

3 months ago 49

I'm reading Crime and Punishment for my first time. I earned my degrees in English lit., but I've somehow never made it to Russian literature until this year. I read Notes from the Underground because I was told it was a helpful introduction to themes that pop up in all of Dostoevsky's novels. I really enjoyed how uncomfortably close it made me look at philosophy, psychology, social norms, and other themes.

I'm about 50% of the way through Crime and Punishment (listening to an audiobook). There have been some really interesting moments, and I feel like it's still setting up a lot for what will happen later. But I'm struggling to get into it. I've enjoyed the motif of the drunken members of society (my intro discusses how Dostoevsky had originally planned a separate novel "The Drunkards" that became a part of Crime and Punishment) and the critique of the effect alcoholism has on society. I'm also enjoying some of the psychological elements of the story. It's just dragging a touch.

So I'd love to hear (preferably with as few spoilers as possible, though I do know the general ending of the story) what it is that people love about this story. I'd really like to keep an eye out for specific themes or moments that made it a great read for you, if you've read it. Thanks!

submitted by /u/English-Ivy-123
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