What do I expect or do? I'm kinda scared

5 hours ago 3

I have less than a month until I graduate from my sophomore year and also turning 16 the same week as my grad, currently living in a town like 50 miles from a city, I'm moving to another city for my junior/senior year and taking an entrance exam soon. I don't really have anyone to ask so I'll turn to you guys, what do I do? What do I expect? I don't know anyone from the city and I don't really know my way around. I'm scared but I have to do it because it's a prestigious school that I wanna go to, my parents don't care about me much they just pay for my apartment and just a little money for my food, nothing more. I kinda want a job for my day to day expenses because I don't get money for that but I don't know how to.

Can anyone genuinely give me advice on what to do when I move to the city? Like what's the first thing I do? And how do I get a job? (One thing is that I worked for my family's bakery and diner since I was 10 so I kinda know my way around customer service, does that count as work experience or nah).

I'm sorry I don't have that much experience about life, I'm stupid I know, thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/ReiNugget4301
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