What Christmas gift should I get neighbor that lost her job?

2 months ago 27

My neighbor is a sweet woman in her 60s. She has been the best neighbor always talks to us, has let our dog out for us when we couldn't, kept our packages safe when we are way from home. Really just has a big heart. The best neighbor anyone could ask for.

She is going through a tough time right now. All in one year she is going through a divorce, her son got in a major car accident, her mother-in-law died, her car broke down, her own mother got sick and she lost her job when she took off too many days to go care for her sick mother. She didn't qualify for FMLA. She is working on applying for unemployment insurance. Just one of these tragedies, would break some people, but she is facing these all at once.

She still went out of her way to drop off Christmas gifts for us. She gave us some choclate, a blanket, and some small things for our daughter.

We gave her a hand made comic book that my daughter wrote and illustrated. We had it professionally bound. She loved it. She said it was the only thing that has made her laugh in a long time.

I had still planned on getting her more though but hadn't yet because we typically exchange gifts after Christmas. (She called me unexpectedly to do the exchange early (she also just needed some one to talk to)).

Tomorrow, or soon, I want to take her some Christmas cookies and a larger present but I am not sure what to give. I need some ideas. I was thinking of getting her a grocery store gift card because it might help her out but is that inappropriate because it isn't a traditional gift? I don't want to insult her, I want to help.

I don't really want to get her stuff because she will likely be selling her house and moving soon.

Any advice?


submitted by /u/Substantial_Good_915
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