What are some stories you simply couldn’t understand/comprehend/accept due to culture differences?

1 month ago 98

I can think of many examples but to make a point I’m gonna use a relatively speaking extreme one here.

So I read of “Shunkinshō”, a Japanese story written in 1930s. I learn of the story because my mom is a crazy fan of classic Japanese films and “Shunkinshō” was made into a film in 1976, acted by the legendary Japanese actress Momoe Yamaguchi. Because I like Momoe Yamaguchi too, so I watched the film and read the story as well. And it was nice until the end where I was shocked to my core when the male protagonist blinded himself to “fully immerse himself in Shunkin's world and offer her unwavering support”!

Look, as a Chinese I can think of many examples in my country’s history(and in some cases, present days too) that are very similar if not even worse than this, and indeed there are tons of similar examples in other cultures as well. But still, this story’s portrayal of love(if you can call it this) is just, damn, I can only say that I respect the protagonist‘s dedication, even if I cannot understand it. I just feel that before love anyone you must love yourself first.😅

Overall I will say that, while by no means exclusive to Japanese culture, their tendency to romanticize suicide and so on never fail to shock me. I am not a Christian to say that suicide is a sin(religious wise), and I can understand the desire to die in some cases but they seem to have a tendency to make suicide a beautiful thing to do, which in my opinion it is not even if the act of so can be understandable.

submitted by /u/CHRU2717
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