What are some great books released in the last 5 years?

1 week ago 12

I don't think I know much about very recent novels and short story collections released in the last 5 years? What books are great that have been released since 5 years ago?

I know that Stephen King is, of course, very popular. JK Rowling is quite popular. Dan Brown is pretty popular. Taylor Reid Jenkins is certainly a very popular recent writer. DJATS is generally considered excellent. Haruki Murakami is very popular, probably especially amongst sad people.

Mark Z Danielski definitely isn't nearly as popular as he was 20 years ago. David Foster Wallace isn't as popular as he was 10 years ago. Margaret Atwood doesn't seem QUITE as popular as 10 years ago, but still very popular.

submitted by /u/Logical-Plum-2499
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