What age is too late to start a family for a man?

1 month ago 19

I'm only 26, but I won't get my own place and be independent until I'm 28 so I'm not gonna even try dating until then.

Due to multitudes of reasons I'd rather not go into, I've never had a girlfriend at my age. I'm not even bad looking and I stay in shape, but I'm super behind in life and live with my mother again. I used to have my own place but it was in the literal hood because I didn't make much. I'm getting all these issues sorted out though.

I'm back in school to at least finish undergrad and get a decent paying job. I'm doing super well in all my classes, even the very hard ones like Networking. I researched high-paying jobs (even at entry level) and found one. If I can just get that job I should be good to go.

But again, I'll be 28 when all this comes into fruition. Will it be too late to start a family by then with no real experience? Can't imagine younger women wanting an older man who's only had sex once, and older women might not want kids.

submitted by /u/No_Quarter_3442
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