What advice do people constantly suggest to you, but you feel it’s unnecessary or outdated?

1 month ago 21

For me, here are a few pieces of advice that I just can’t get behind anymore:

  1. "Just think positive." – Yeah, that’s great when you’re feeling okay, but sometimes you need to sit with your emotions and deal with them, not just ignore them with a smile.
  2. "You’ll find someone when you stop looking." – Honestly, that’s just frustrating. I don’t think putting your life on pause and waiting for things to happen magically is the answer.
  3. "Everything happens for a reason." – Sometimes, things just happen. Not everything has some hidden meaning or purpose. It can be a bit dismissive, honestly.
  4. "You should go out more, meet people." – If I’m not feeling up to it, I’m not going to suddenly feel better just because I “get out there.” Sometimes, staying in is exactly what I need.

Anyone else have advice like this that just doesn’t sit right with you?

submitted by /u/Secret_Ostrich_1307
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