We often think we are good people with good hearts but sometimes we are wrong…

1 month ago 35

Jeremiah 17:9 King James Version 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Only God knows our hearts and will judge us accordingly. If you don’t follow the first two greatest commands of the Ten Commandments which is “love the lord they God with all thy heart mind and soul” and “love thy neighbor as thyself” you are not a true Christian and are not saved. Love is the key he says in the Bible “I love those that love me” He will not send someone to hell that he loves. And he says “love covers a multitude of sins” meaning as long as you love him and others he will save you despite your sins. We of course must try are hardest to not sin but he understands that we often fall Short or struggle with addictions. He says “those that hate me love death” and “I will not have mercy on those that hate me” Examine your heart today ask God to reveal it to you if you are unsure. Love is what matters in life. It will get you into your next life the heaven that everyone dreams of.

submitted by /u/Drae_1234
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