We are at war. But it is not a war for wealth or resources, it is a war for your immortal soul. Discover the origins of evil, the principles of demonology, and the nature of spiritual warfare.

3 months ago 44
We are at war. But it is not a war for wealth or resources, it is a war for your immortal soul. Discover the origins of evil, the principles of demonology, and the nature of spiritual warfare.


Demons are fallen angels with angelic powers.

Like human beings, demons were created with free will, and their fall during the first instances of creation was a result of their individual choice to either serve or rebel against God.

Theologians and exorcists suggest that each demon fell in relation to a particular aspect of salvation history that was revealed to them in these first instances of creation.

Some fell because they rejected God’s mercy, some because they rejected the incarnation, and the aspect of their particular rebellion or non serviam animates the vice or domain for which they are responsible.

God created nine choirs (or ranks) of angels, each with a particular natures and powers associated with them.

These include the Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels.

As fallen angels, the demons also retain their ranks, natures and powers.

This is why particular demons – such as Lucifer who is Seraphim – are more powerful than other demons of inferior rank.

Rather than using their power to glorify God, demons use their power to corrupt and destroy mankind since we are made in God’s image and likeness.

All of their activities, however, are limited or passively willed by God to occur in accordance with Divine Providence.

Demons have a near perfect understanding of salvation history, sacred scripture, and prophecy.

The most effective way they have ruined countless souls is through the creation of false religions.

From the very beginning, the demons knew that sacrifice is necessary to appease God, they knew that a virgin would bring forth a saviour, and they knew that a Messiah would have to die and be resurrected in order to save a fallen world.

This is why these same religious motifs appear throughout paganism – it's because these are a distortion of eternal Truths.

As a consequence of his sin and ignorance, men began to worship their ancestors and heroes as gods or deified nature or natural phenomena.

Over time, the worship of ancestors became more elaborate and mythologised, and priesthoods emerged, developing elaborate rites and rituals.

All the while, only Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants held the one true faith.

In the ancient world, demons manifested themselves as these very same gods men worshipped in order to appeal to the sensibilities of their audience and draw them deeper into spiritual darkness and ruin.

They convinced men to live in a state of superstition and savagery, and to sacrifice their children to the flames of Ba'al Haddad, or in the groves of Odin, or on the pyramids of Huitzilopochtli.

In the modern world, these same gods appear as inter-dimensional beings (or aliens) in order to convince men to reject faith and reason, embrace vice, and to sacrifice their children for temporal rewards or in the name of progress.

It is a war against humanity.

Demons are capable of directly affecting or manipulating the material world and our perception of it.

This is how objects or even people can manifest supernatural characteristics (e.g. levitation) when under demonic influence.

Demons also have access to the material part of our intellects – meaning, our imaginations. They can influence and conjure up images in our minds to tempt and deceive us.

This highlights why we shouldn't base our faith on emotional experiences, or pray with the intention or expectation of receiving "signs and wonders" because demons can perform these in order to deceive us.

We worship God because it is our duty in accordance with the virtue of justice.

Anything ‘extra’ we receive in return is gratia gratis data – a grace gratuitously given.

The demons want to corrupt and destroy humanity because they hate us.

Although they surpass us in the order of nature, we can surpass them in the order of grace, and take the thrones they left vacant as a consequence of their fall.

This is why Lucifer and the demons despise the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, most of all.

Demons have angelic intellects, they are not bound by the material universe (meaning, they can defy the laws of physics), have incredible knowledge of the created universe (including the inner workings of human beings), and causes.

As a result, demons can almost seem to predict the future, and throughout history, have rewarded human beings with superior knowledge or technologies in exchange for submission.

Demons attack according to their particular strengths and weaknesses of the individual.

Some have an inordinate attachment to pleasures, and as a result, are susceptible to lust and gluttony.

Others are very stoic and disciplined, and as a result, are susceptible to pride or wrath.

Committing gravely disordered sins or participating in occult practices are the most common ways of becoming vulnerable to demonic obsession or possession.

In addition, hallucinogenic drug use opens an individual up to demonic influence because these cause the individual to enter an altered psychological state in addition to weakening the power of their will and intellect to resist.

Oppression is when the demon targets the individual using external forces. This includes provoking other people who are under demonic influence to attack an individual, or manipulating the world or objects around the individual.

Possession is when the individual falls under the complete control of one or multiple demons. Symptoms of demonic possession include extraordinary physical strength, speaking in unknown languages, exhibiting knowledge of hidden things, severe changes in personality, and violent behaviour, often accompanied by a profound aversion to sacred objects or prayers.

When an individual is possessed, they need an exorcism to expel the demon since only the power of Jesus Christ can overcome them.

Although demons rebelled against God, they are still subject to Him, the order of creation, the economy of grace, and the sacraments.

Demons understand that fathers are the spiritual leaders of their family, so when a father commits grievous sins in his home over which he has spiritual authority, the father has weakened his domain, making his entire family vulnerable to their attacks – particularly those according to the kind he has committed.

In addition, when grievous sins are committed in certain locations, these locations fall under their dominion.

This is why it is so important to remain in a state of sanctifying grace, live virtuously, pray regularly, fast and do penance, and frequent the sacraments.

The greater your grace and virtue, the greater your resistance to evil.

submitted by /u/Regular_Witness_7014
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