Want to be happier? Spend less time on Reddit!

17 hours ago 18

This goes for all social media. I find myself coming across all these doom and gloom posts on reddit about politics, trump, musk, economic collapse, WW3, etc.

Some of the most miserable people I know in my life are the ones who scroll social media all day, and some of the happiest are those who have deleted all social media accounts.

I consider myself very happy and fortunate to have the life I do, but my mood definitely gets worse when reading through reddit.

I do think some posts on this sub are helpful, and there are some very kind people on here who really try to lift people up and give good advice to those who are struggling. But, I think scrolling through the news subreddits or current event subs are a recipe for bad mental health because about 90% of it is doom and gloom

submitted by /u/diverdown125
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