Vodka tampons

3 months ago 60

When I was in school, I remember constant news reports reporting that teenagers were doing this as a trend and emphasizing the dangers of rectally absorbing alcohol. Additionally, although I didn’t know anyone who did it personally, it was 100% a thing people at school believed people did.

Don’t ask how this topic came back up but i fell down a rabbit hole;

When I search for reports/articles/news, there’s an abundance of recent (2020+) snopes like fact checking stating this was never popular. I saw one Article that went so far as to say “any evidence of people actually doing this is purely anecdotal”

But when I watch news reels and read articles from ~2012, which is when I first heard about this being a trend, they point to many cases, show montages of video clips and instructional videos, and videos of doctors reporting on what they’ve witnessed.

The conspiracy:

The people who were teenagers doing this trend over a decade ago, are the people writing these articles now. They’re trying to erase history and deny that they ever used to stick vodka tampons up their bum.

submitted by /u/WowVeryOriginalDude
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