Veo alternative

2 months ago 28

I run a recreational soccer league with 6-10 teams depending on the year. We currently use 2 Veo cameras to record games, and while the quality and functionality are great, the subscription costs are becoming unsustainable—$500 a month per camera.

I’m looking for suggestions on alternative recording solutions that could still capture the games effectively but without the massive ongoing cost. Ideally, something with good auto-tracking capabilities or at least easy-to-use setups for filming.

Are there cameras/software out there that provide a good balance between cost and functionality? Any experience or insight would be greatly appreciated! As well as listed cost and differences from veo.

I know of other ai powered cameras but I can’t find a exact cost to them or a good video breaking down the differences from veo

submitted by /u/Dependent-Log9248
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