Upcoming birthday feels rough

2 months ago 30

Turning 33 in couple days. I’ve been anxious for a few days. Trying my best not to show this to my wife who will freak out.

Feel like time is running out and I’m stuck. I’m not sure why I feel this way.

I’ve a decent job but everyone around I joined with has left this job making me think do I just settle?

Wife is constantly angry or pissed with my side of family which makes me really sad as I’m super close to them. After having talked to her so many times I still can’t figure out anytime where my family had any malice or doing anything wrong really. This has worn me out especially because I support hers full heartedly but I see myself becoming bitter towards her and family which I don’t want to.

Financially wife had a downgrade in terms of pay and now bills are tight.

Parents are aging and I’m so far away stuck due to house commitment. Starting to feel guilty

Trying to start a family but we have unexplained fertility

I constantly feel life is against me and I have truly forgotten how to be happy

Some days I’m ok I try to be motivated and rest of the time it all weighs down on me. I canceled meeting everyone on my birthday. My wife isn’t very good with people and lashes out on me after everyone leaves if she is pissed with anyone.

submitted by /u/Scary_Birthday_5803
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