I have a family member that I have to see once a week. I am an emotional person, who tries to be very kind and I am used to kindness and people who show their emotions. Of course not all the time but most people I have met or that I am close with are this way. This family members (she is from my husbands side) is very different to any people I have met. She doesn’t say thank you when i offered her a gift, it was a very thoughtful present and she belittled it. When i offer her coffee she doesn’t say thank you or even look at me. She doesn’t look at me when i try to talk to her. Doesn’t accept my invitations. Doesn’t answer questions where I tag her in group chats. Doesn’t show support or happiness when we share good moments. I just never met anyone like this and I try to get ideas what to talk to her about or how to invite her, because I normally enjoy good company and good talks and this atmosphere is just really stressful for me. I don’t know how to handle it and my husband tells me just to ignore it but it’s very hard when it’s someone you see often
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