Turned 28 a few days ago, feeling strange, lost and confused

1 month ago 34

It's weird, I literally just remember being a kid playing Xbox and mw2 and riding bikes, then remember turning 18 and now it's been an entire decade since then and can't even tell you where the time has gone, passed me by without even realizing, was so happy as a child and teen and now it's like I'm not even the same person.

I guess when I was younger I was so naive to the world and didn't really know anything, was still religious and just enjoying each day as it comes. But now everythings changed, I've lost interests in my hobbies, lost touch with old friends and realized how no one really cares about anyone else and most people just care about them selves, been cheated on, lost religion and lost purpose in life and come to the realization that life is ultimately meaningless and bizarre. We're just some naked apes on a floating sphere, with imagined constructs and orders such a money and religions and rules and laws and societal bs. We're just apes that are slaves to money and are forced to work for 40 hours a week for most of your life and even then still not have enough money to be able to do everything that you want, like what kinda bs is that. Just living to pay bills and work, what a crap existence.

None of this feels normal at all, from all the crazy politics in the world, all the distasters, the fact that we're creating AI that are smarted than humans and will probably put everyone out of a job in the coming years which means we're going to be in for some dark and scary times. Living in a world where the corrupt government and billionaires call the shots and dictate the way the world works. Honestly feels like this entire thing is some sort of crazy simulation, like how does the universe start from nothing, then into atoms then stars and galaxies, then planets. Then single celled organisms, then multicellular then fish then mammals then apes then humans. We're over evolved, evolution is only supposed to be about survival and reproduction, but now we're using brains that have developed to walk in the forever and eat berries in a cave to do taxes and work for corporations and worry about rent and mortgage and insurance and relationships and mental health.

We're just animals that got too intelligent and started questioning it's own existence, kinda crazy it you think about it, from all the 5 million species that currently exist, we're the only one that's able to wonder why we're here, what life is, if God exists, what the universe is, what time is and the only animal thats aware of it's own mortality. How am I supposed to keep on living the same day over and over again whilst knowing that In the end, nothing even matters. Everything we know of, everything that's ever happened, every person that's ever lived, every animal, every city, every story, all of humanitys collective struggles and wars and religions and ideologies. All of it is happening on rock floating in space orbiting a giant ball of plasma, this is one star from 200 billion stars in our galaxy and our Galaxy is one of 2 trillion in the observable universe and potentially infinite number in the entire universe, like what does that even mean? How could there be Infinite universes what about if there's infinite multiverses? That would mean that everything is happening, everything everywhere, all at once. And the thing is that could very well be the truth.

Reality is stange. Abit of a vent but wondering does anyone else feel the same and can relate or am I just going crazy

submitted by /u/Loud-Dragonfly-5036
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