Seems like a simple concept but I had to experience it first hand.
I'm a moderator of a small chat room for an online game I play. I thought I could allow for an uncensored and free chat room (with obvious exceptions) since I'm against censorship in most aspects.
One particular chatter would type explicit and sexual messages to me and other people in chat for attention or just for some role playing aspect idk. It was gross but mostly harmless. Then they started to threaten self harm when they were ignored. I explained to them that I'm not one to censor but we don't have to acknowledge or interact with that so they should stop it with the threats of self harm and curb the sexual messages. The interactions continued with a bit of "friendly" targeted trolling at me but then other people in the chat started telling the chatter to stop with sexual messages repeatedly which they ignored.
I realized that my own tolerance and acceptance of this individual wasn't helping change this person's behaviour or making for a good experience for myself or the rest of the people in the chat room. So they were expelled without any further warning or discussion.
There is just so much bad behaviour out there on small and grand scales and I think maybe it's because we have become such a tolerant society. I was hoping I could be magnanimous and not a hypocrite but people just don't have the same values or the same respect for other people's boundaries you may have and people are more than willing to exploit that if there are no repercussions.
So for my own benefit and the benefit of the people around me I'm going to be less tolerant of bad behaviour.
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