Time vs Money

11 hours ago 5

I have an honest question that I've been pondering for a while.

When I have work, I have money but no time, and i get super stressed and burnt out. A little over 1 week of PTO is not enough to decompress, I have serious misgivings about returning to work because I'm mentally not ready. So the quarantine was amazing for me cuz I got paid to stay home and by month 3 I was feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to be productive.

Quarantine aside, I've heard from people that work is the reason they get up in the morning and without that prompter they tend to sleep in, stay up late, and experience negative impacts on their mental health. Even if they're receiving unemployment or are in a stable situation.

I experience the opposite under those circumstances. I feel freed from the monster eating up all my time. I engage in all the things I bought when I had money but no time to do the things. I get up early, my mental health greatly improves. People often ask me if I get bored and my answer is always to look at them like they're crazy and say "no" because even if i didn't have these hobbies to engage in, there's still cooking food and general household maintenance (which is a type of unpaid work), plus strengthening familial bonds through quality time. That being said, when I'm ready to return to work, I do enjoy all the challenges, it's just the grind that sometimes gets to me and leaves me feeling drained after a while.

So my question is: what is the norm here? Is it my train of thought? Or the one other people express to me?

submitted by /u/bo0kjunki3
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