As a shut-in(europe) in his mid 20, life changed behind that screen thought the years. It wasn't the same before, people where better between them, their were still a huge pile of depressing stuff happening. But their were kind of an hope floating , their was that acceptance of only being human. Being lame, only meant you were human and people understood in part. Weigh of living was mean't to be shared, at least persuading ourself that it was, was a wise thing to do. I don't know how fast they achieved that but they trapped them to sort of a nightmare way to look at their life, they deconstructed human relationship throught a slow process. If no one would listen to the other , making the norm toxicity and conflict, people end up yoo tired to even look at their existance. I remember as a kid, future seemed so cool , a journey was beginning , so many issue was supossed to be solved , a commum idea that the world was going to be better. And looking back at it now , it wasn't only a distortion reality from a dreamy kid. I really believe that the mass thought they would be able to be proud of the humanity one day. The world was broken and cold but still it was different, easier to breath
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