This is going to be a long story of my life. My mom was just diagnosed with schizophrenia..

2 months ago 35

So the beginning of my senior year of high school my mom left to be with her boyfriend for 5/6 months and left my sister and me her credit card for food.. man I know she was in debt we never went to the store and cooked just gas station food and ordering pizza lol. I didn’t hate her for it. After that she came back for a year, my mom still had her job at the time. So I got a good job at (18) and didn’t see her much of time, went to the bank one day trying to get a loan on a 20k bmw but she wouldn’t co-sign when I was (19) and told me she was moving to Florida with her boyfriend. I told her go live your life.”in my head I thought she deserved it working so hard the last 19 years of my life. Raising 2 kids by herself. I ended up buying a motorcycle and crashing it 3 weeks into getting the motorcycle. Brand new from a dealership.. so I ended up calling my mom and her bf. She says nothing. Her bf well did you learn your lesson, it’s probably time to sell it. I only crashed cause I didn’t know how to brake properly. I talked to both of them throughout the next year like every weekend! About 5 months ago my mother was having a hard time with her bf. Her bf calling her crazy a lot. So she left me and it took so much of a toll on her mental state. Things just started clicking off in her head. She would tell me she hearing things and I would brush it off like nothing wrong. Then 2 days before thanksgiving. She sends me a text “Hey I’m back with my bf in Florida”. I called her right away. She says well you didn’t love me while I was there. I tried to do everything for her, bought her whatever she needed. Mind you she didn’t eat much of anything. I would come home after work try to give her some of my food but she would only eat if I’m in the house. while she was in Florida she ran away from her boyfriend, went missing in Florida.. Finally answered my call(I’m at work) we talk for a lil bit I tell her I would buy her a plane ticket back if wanted to come home. She goes you don’t want me at the house.. I tell her just come home. She comes home stayed at my uncles house the night she gets home and ran away again saying she’s scared that someone’s going to kill her or coming after her. So we found her again. This time the whole family was in to find her after 7hrs of her missing we found her. Now we’re getting her the help she needs.. my grandma has schizophrenia as well. I’m hoping it just doesn’t keep trailing down to my sister.

Now with my mom in the hospital and other family members taking care of her once she gets out of the hospital. My great aunt wants my sister and I to move in with her 13hrs away from the family to help us with school or get a job until we can support our self’s! I’m okay with moving down there with her but my sister doesn’t want to leave the family. I’m losing the most a job I make 60/70k at (21) my 2 cars and motorcycle by moving 13hrs away. My sister has my mother’s car and only works weekends. I think she just likes the easy life! Doesn’t want to work hard for anything. I want the best for my sister. I want her to go to college. Get a good paying job. Be able to live with her own income. I was planning on buying a house in the next 2-3 yrs but if my aunt can help me with a better life. I think it would be worth it in the end! I need advice on how to make my sister think that cause my aunt won’t take just one of us and leave the other. Other reason why my sister doesn’t want to leave is because my aunt will help us with rent but if we leave there won’t be a house to come back to! It’s a tough decision. I definitely want to take the risk I know my aunt/uncle can help me become a better man. I just want my sister to see that but she think about until the last second. I rather get the ball moving! Thank you for reading and any comments! I will always appreciate and love my mom!!

submitted by /u/Intelligent_Peach939
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