These eight lines... gateway to a new reality?

2 months ago 68

Guys, this eight-line poem is going to change your lives and the way you look at the world. On the first read, you might not find great depth, but with time, probably years, you will come to appreciate this 21st-century Shakespeare (me obviously) and his writing. With a deep long breath, here we go:

Safety jacket when there is no flood; Carboxy-hemoglobin for the blood

Why you flicker, hide, and turn; When you can shine bright and burn.

Mastery in x y and z; Whatever the situation let's see

Why my lines seem to rhyme; Is blasphemy still a crime?

Okay. jumping here and there like a frog; My mind doesn't stop until it's clogged

What if one could read others' thoughts; Who'll catch when everyone gonna caught?

Feeling sleepy; Putting down my pen

Hey. In the dinner ; Did you have hen?

The world has shifted... welcome to the new reality.

submitted by /u/Hot_Gas_908
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