There's always something to be grateful for

1 month ago 57

I (36m) and my wife (36f) have been struggling to conceive for the past 3 years. We started IVF, had first transfer and no success. My wife suffers from certain issues that makes her a lot less likely to get pregnant. I am slowly accepting that we will never have children. This means the only person I have to live for is my wife. I always thought I would have children to devote myself to. I am a responsible person and always did things keeping in mind that one day I will have a family. I am not sad. I am grateful for having someone to be there for. In my case that person is my wife.

I am still slightly envious whenever I see people post pictures with their kids. I do wonder how I can overcome envy. I usually try to focus on what childless life allows me to have however I have never been a big spender. I always thought the extra money I earn will be spent on kids hobbies/extracurricular activities.

submitted by /u/Substantial_Bag4410
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