Where do I even start with this one?
“THIS is what it means when your boyfriend does THAT. Red flag this, green flag that. Wait ____ days to text her after the first date. Let girls do most of the chasing. If he does THIS in the talking stage then dump him. Doing THIS will make him/her obsessed with you. She went cold on YOU because you did THIS”
This content is all over Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Podcasts. It’s being peddled by “dating experts”, intellects in academia looking to make a buck (psychologists), disgruntled everyday people, D and C List celebs trying to keep their careers alive on podcasts, etc.
And don’t even get me started on the YouTube grifters who make men pay for their dating coaching services.
Jesus. No wonder why the dating seen is a disaster. Combine this content with dating apps and it’s now a Chernobyl toxic wasteland.
we’re all so pessimistic and burnt out from dating. We’re constantly being marketed toward what we need to do to be successful in romantic relationships. I believe it’s poisoning our brains.
We, as a society, need to get back to the basics of human interaction. Dating doesn’t need to be an exact science. Throughout human history, people coupled up and found mates. It doesn’t need to be this complicated for us but we make it so.
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