There is no point in participating( that much) for me in society + message for every lonely man

1 month ago 31

There is no point in making friendships with men/boys because no one will be there when I need them anyway. My parents were just selfish pricks who made kids give meaning to their empty ass lives. Didnt work out. Girls are flaky and unreliable AF, with no loyalty or commitment let alone intimacy from them. Why do people even produce men if they don't like them? Just have daughters if you people like women so much. God save the next generation because you stupid fuckers will scar them for life. You won society, You won. Men like me will suffer in solitary confinement and the next one will too. My prayers go to the next generation of boys who will be abused and used. I hope Gen Alpha and Beta tear this world apart like it deserves to. Something my generation, and the ones before it, were too cowardly to do. The world hates men. But it makes them nonetheless. The world needs slaves and cannon fodder. To the men who are reading this, hate me if you wish, it's your choice how you live your life. But I can only give you advice that you are also free to ignore- don't do anything for anybody but yourself, don't help anybody but yourself, don't live for anybody but yourself, don't help women, don't help men, because we men don't care about each other anyways, and certainly women don't care about us. If they did, feminism wouldn't exist, we wouldn't be lonely and if our male friends cared about each other we wouldn't be lonely. As a man, you are ALONE. No help. No love. No friendship. No connection. No voice. No rights. Slave. I wish all lonely men reading this to find happiness where they can and forget about validation from others. We humans are not social creatures. Every one of us is a selfish being looking out for himself first. Certainly, you wouldn't seek validation from selfish creatures. Men- I can't offer you love, because you don't want it for me, but I can offer encouraging words: Give up on everybody but yourself. Every one of you men deserves happiness. Quit your dangerous and unforgiving jobs, give up on your intoxicating dreams about love, and be selfish, but fully selfish, only looking out for your self-interest. If I see one of you, not knowing it is you, and you don't help me when I need your help, but I know that you are living to the fullest only for yourself and are happy doing so, I will be pained for myself but glad for every man that passes me happy because I would know that his life was spent for his happiness alone and that no man will die unfulfilled and abused anymore. That is the future I want. No man should ever go through what isolation I and many men had to. Wish you happy life men. I hope every man finds his happiness and peace of mind.

submitted by /u/Alive_Pineapple_5247
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