There is a point. Depending on how you see it.

7 hours ago 3

Maybe there is a point to all of this.

Literally like a microscopic point. So small that you can't even see it.

Maybe it's a quantum thing.

Like light. It looks like a particle or a wave depending on how you observe it.

But it moves forward.

Light moves forward.

Without multiple surgeries I would be blind right now. I've thought about what that would mean. At first I thought I'd probably just km$. What would be the point of life? But then I started thinking about all of the blind people that were still alive. Now when I think about it, I'm thinking about Ray Charles.

Sound also moves forward.

Electricity moves forward.

Water moves forward.

Time moves forward.

Life moves forward.

That's the only point at all. Sometimes it looks like a wave instead of a particle. Sometimes there is more than one wave and they interact. Two waves make a third wave. They create their own harmony.

Sometimes it looks like a wave and sometimes it looks like the ocean. You might think that you're nothing but you only wish. Then you'd really be significant. Haha.

But you move forward.

Until it's over, for you.

It's a particle or a wave or maybe just an arrow. A direction.

You can harness it or you can cry about it. You can ignore it, but it's there, staring you in the face. Like an arrow, you might not see it if it is coming straight for you. But if you can move to the side and gain perspective you will see that it is there. Moving forward.


Harness the things that move forward. Think of the power they contain.

Ride the waves, my fellow passengers. We're all eventually going down anyway. Surf, skate, bike, glide, slide. Be the band at the end of The Titanic.

Grab your ride of choice and ride those waves. We all want an Endless Summer, but you get what you get.

Or don't do anything but know that time itself will move forward, and your ride will just be observing the passing of time. You're still in the amusement park even if you just sit on a merry-go-round. The world itself will change around you. And you will change. You are still moving forward. I personally like sunrises and sunsets, but I have my vision still. They mark the turning of our own little insignificant speck of dust merry-go-round, the earth. My vision means nothing to you but everything to me. It's a matter of perspective.

We, the sighted, are all just viewing light through tiny apertures in our eyes. The whole world is squeezed through this hole, focused and flipped upside down, the signal is converted, wired into our brains, and interpreted. Parts of it magically stored for future use.

Light gets squished and changed and re-directed and re-focused, but it keeps moving forward.

Ray Charles, ladies and gentlemen. He could see with his ears. He turned his inner light into music. He moved forward, as best he could.

He found a way to ride the waves he was given. And in turn made the world a better place.

submitted by /u/speckinthestarrynigh
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