Theme of Life?

1 month ago 39

I am sitting here on the train home, little bit drunk after a night out and relize something.

Communication. Communication is a theme of life that keeps coming up everywhere. When humans first walked the Earth we had to learn to communicate with each other to form civilasation. Misscommunication is also responsable for alot of conflicts/wars in the world, but not all of them of course.

There is also communication within communication, its more then just language and words. As you grow older you have to be good and communicating to your frinds/family/partner to show them appriciation etc

On a sidenote, i am also a beliver in some kind of spiritworld that exists parallelly to this pysical one and that we originate from it, and that we are only here temporarly to learn something or complete a personal task(that can also benefit others down here) and that communication in that spiritworld is alot more direct then in this pysical body. As you instantly know the others state. But like i said thats a sidenote, i am babbeling here.

What do you think is the theme/themes of life?

submitted by /u/Mackansw19
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